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Sponsor by Mail
With the A.A. Corrections Correspondence Program
There is a tremendous need for A.A. members on the "outside" to correspond with A.A. members in correctional facilities. The correspondence is handled by an A.A. coordinator and sent to the group P.O. Box so your personal information is protected! You will be provided with information about corresponding in compliance with guidelines and given information on how to best carry the message when writing to incarcerated alcoholics.
If you would like to share your experience, strength and hope in sobriety with alcoholics who are confined, please take the following steps:
Send the information requested below in an email to:
Print the form out, fill it out and mail to Browntowner CFC, PO Box 1133, Brownwood, TX 76804
Get with any CFC Committee member and let them know you would like to be part of this 12th step opportunity!
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Gender: ______________________________
Read / Write Spanish - Y or N (circle one)
Mailing address (for internal use only)
Phone number: ____________________________________________________
Email address: _____________________________________________________
Sobriety date: _____________________________
For more information, contact:
Susan C.
Founded in the early 1962
502 W. Austin Ave, Brownwood, Texas 76801 Phone 325.646.4144
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